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Our sense of curiosity brings brands to life. gets them talking, and makes sure they’re heard above problem sol. Our sense of curiosity br loreamdmy users wouldn’t you want to make sure you’re monitoring.

Focused On Actionable Insights

Our sense of curiosity brings brands to life. gets them talking, and makes sure they’re heard above problem solution of business

We Modify Whole System
By dealing with data, select tools that help you automate time-consuming processes.
Create Insights Reports
Experts are responsible for the insights control and major business transformation

We take our marketing efforts seriously and have always maintained high standards and followed pop culture trends to connect with local audiences. It’s been refreshing working with a collaborative agency team that understands our market area, including the Kaccy.


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Hours Of Support


Hard Workers

Check our Services

Our sense of curiosity brings brands to life. gets them talking, and makes sure they’re heard above problem solution of business


We carry more than just good coding skills. Our experience makes us stand out from other web development.

Driving licence

We carry more than just good coding skills. Our experience makes us stand out from other web development.

Pan Card

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.


Turn to our experts to perform comprehensive, multi-stage testing and auditing of your software.

Vehicles, Air Pollution

Turn to our experts to perform comprehensive, multi-stage testing and auditing of your software.


Over the past decade, our customers succeeded by leveraging Intellectsoft’s process of building, motivating.

Saul Goodman
Ceo & Founder

We take our marketing efforts seriously and have always maintained high standards and followed pop culture trends to connect with local audiences. It’s been refreshing working with a collaborative agency team that understands our market area, including the Kaccy.

Sara Wilsson
CEO Of Business

We take our marketing efforts seriously and have always maintained high standards and followed pop culture trends to connect with local audiences. It’s been refreshing working with a collaborative agency team that understands our market area, including the Kaccy.

Jena Karlis
CEO Of Business

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon

Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

John Larson

Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.


Frequently Asked Questions

Third Party Liability insurance is mandatory for all vehicles plying on public roads in India. This covers Liability for injuries and damages to others that you are responsible for. In addition, it is prudent to cover loss or damages to the vehicle itself by way of Comprehensive/Package policy, which covers both “Liability” as well as “Own damage” to the insured vehicle.

The same is determined on following factors amongst others -- Age of vehicle; Make& Model; No Claim Bonus; Safety Features etc. Third Party Liability Premium rates are laid down by IRDA. In case of break in insurance, vehicle inspection would be required and extra charges will have to be incurred for the same.

No Claim Bonus (NCB) is the benefit accrued to an insured driver for not making any claims during the previous policy period. As per current norms in India, it ranges from 20% on the Own Damage premium (and not on Liability premium) and progressively increases to a maximum of 50%. If, however, a claim is lodged, the No Claim Bonus is lost in the subsequent policy period. NCB is given to the insured and not to the insured vehicle. Hence, on transfer of the vehicle, the insurance policy can be transferred to new owner but not the NCB.

A motor policy is usually valid for a period of one year and has to be renewed before the due date without fail. Premium needs to be remitted to the insurance company prior to expiry of the policy. In case of lapse of policy by even one day, the vehicle has to be inspected. Moreover, if a comprehensive policy is allowed to lapse for more than 90 days, the accrued benefit of NCB (No Claim Bonus) is also lost

Yes, the insured can avail of the NCB facility if you change the insurer on renewal. You would have to produce proof of the NCB earned by way of renewal notice from the current insurer

As per Rule 141 of Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989, a certificate of Insurance is to be issued only in Form 51. It is only in Motor Vehicle Insurance, apart from the policy, that a separate certificate of insurance is required to be issued by insurers. This document should always be carried in the vehicle